Boost Oxygen and Best 3 Oxygen in a Can

Oxygen for Active People and Smokers

Timothy A Rowland
6 min readDec 23, 2022
Photo by: Tim A Rowland. Created via

I discovered Boost Oxygen after wondering if there was a such thing as oxygen in a can. Like most of us do, I jumped on Amazon and did a quick search. Sure enough, I found that there were several options for canned oxygen available there. I have since discovered that other retailers offer it too, though it is still a little harder to find than most items.

As a smoker (yes, I will quit soon) I wanted a way to get oxygen back into my lungs to help counteract some of the immediate damage. Boost Oxygen and most of the other brands, contains over 90% pure aviator oxygen. Boost Oxygen has 95% aviator oxygen, Oxygen Plus has 99.5% aviator oxygen, and O2 Blast has 99% aviator oxygen.

I realize that oxygen in a can seems like a strange concept and that most people don’t really think to buy canned oxygen when breathing is the natural and normal way of your body getting this vital element. However, if you smoke, are often at high altitude, or play a lot of sports, getting that extra bit of pure oxygen can really make a difference. For men especially, it may help with your sexual health as well. Your body requires oxygen to get an erection. Lack of enough oxygen can cause you to get less hard to possibly not stay hard as long.

My 3 Top Rated in Order

#1 Oxygen Plus- Best Overall

  • 99.5% Pure Oxygen
  • Various Sizes
  • Easy Applicator Top
  • Fair Low Price

#2 Boost Oxygen- Best Alternative

  • 95% Pure Oxygen
  • Various Sizes
  • Easy Applicator Top
  • Fair Low Price

#3 O2 Blast- Best Low Cost

  • 95% Pure Oxygen
  • Various Sizes
  • 2 Applicator Tops
  • Low Price

Really, Canned Oxygen? Is Oxygen in a Can Worth It?

If you’re an athlete, you know the importance of oxygen. And if you’re looking for a way to get a little extra oxygen into your system, you may be considering oxygen in a can. But is it worth it?

Here’s what you need to know about oxygen in a can. First, it’s not pure oxygen — it’s actually about 95% oxygen and 5% nitrogen. Second, it’s not going to give you superhuman powers — but it can give you a boost when you need it most.

So, how does oxygen in a can work? When you inhale, the oxygen goes into your lungs and bloodstream and gives your body a much-needed boost of energy. This can be especially helpful if you’re working out at high altitudes, or if you’re feeling tired and need a pick-me-up.

There are a few different brands of oxygen in a can on the market, but Boost Oxygen is one of the most popular. Having said that, I would place Oxygen Plus higher than Boost. Most popular doesn’t always mean better. A single large can of Oxygen Plus generally cost around $17 plug tax. A can of Boost Oxygen costs about $30 and contains around 150 inhalations. A third option is a can of O2 Blast Oxygen, which runs around $14 plus tax.

So, is oxygen in a can worth it? If you think you could benefit from an oxygen boost, it might be worth giving it a try. However, it’s important to consult with your doctor first to make sure oxygen in a can is right for you.

Airway Oxygen in the Human Body

Airway oxygen is vital to the human body. The airway is the passageway through which air enters and leaves the lungs. Oxygen is essential for the proper functioning of the lungs and other organs in the body.

The airway oxygen levels in the body are regulated by a number of factors, including breathing rate, heart rate, and blood pressure. When these factors are out of balance, it can lead to health problems.

Oxygen is needed by the cells in the body to produce energy. It is also used by the body to remove waste products from the cells. When oxygen levels are low, the body’s cells cannot function properly. This can lead to a variety of health problems, including fatigue, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

Oxygen levels in the airway can be measured with a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a small, lightweight device that attaches to the finger. It uses light to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood.

If the airway oxygen levels in the body are too low, it is called hypoxemia. Hypoxemia can be caused by a number of factors, including smoking, air pollution, and heart or lung disease. Hypoxemia can also be caused by high altitude.

Hypoxemia can lead to a variety of health problems, including shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, and dizziness. If left untreated, hypoxemia can lead to coma and death.

Treatment for hypoxemia depends on the underlying cause. If hypoxemia is caused by smoking, the best treatment is to quit smoking. If hypoxemia is caused by air pollution, the best treatment is to avoid exposure to air pollution. If hypoxemia is caused by heart or lung disease, treatment will depend on the specific condition.

If you have symptoms of hypoxemia, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent serious health problems.

How Even a Temporary Boost of Oxygen Benefits Your Airway

Have you ever had a cold or the flu and felt short of breath? It’s not just your imagination. These respiratory viruses can cause airway inflammation, which narrows the airway and makes it harder to breathe.

In addition to making you feel awful, this airway inflammation can also lead to long-term problems like asthma. That’s why it’s important to treat airway inflammation early and aggressively.

One of the best ways to do this is with airway oxygen therapy. This therapy involves inhaling pure oxygen through a mask or nasal cannula. The oxygen helps to open up the airways and relieve symptoms of airway inflammation.

Airway oxygen therapy is safe and effective and can be used on a short-term or long-term basis. It is often prescribed for people with chronic airway conditions like asthma, COPD, and bronchitis.

Airway oxygen therapy can also be used to treat acute airway conditions like pneumonia and bronchiolitis. In these cases, airway oxygen therapy can help to prevent long-term problems like asthma.

If you have an airway condition, talk to your doctor about airway oxygen therapy. This therapy can help you feel better and breathe easier.

Using Canned Oxygen to Improve Airway Health

Canned oxygen is a type of airway oxygen therapy. It involves inhaling pure oxygen from a canister. Canned oxygen is portable and easy to use. It is often used by people with airway conditions like asthma, COPD, and bronchitis.

Canned oxygen can help to open up the airways and relieve symptoms of airway inflammation. It is safe and effective and can be used on a short-term or long-term basis.

As I said, If you have an airway condition, talk to your doctor about airway oxygen therapy. Oxygen in a can will not replace therapies you need for medical conditions. I am a consumer, not a doctor. I’m not qualified to give out any medical advice. This is a review, not a diagnosis.

#1 Oxygen Plus

Oxygen Plus was chosen as the best overall due to having the highest amount of oxygen in each canister. In addition, each size includes the easy applicator top that ensures you are getting the full amount of product with each use.

The pricing for canisters of Oxygen Plus are fair and not at all out of most people’s budget; propelling it further up in ranking and landing it at the top.

#2 Boost Oxygen

Boost Oxygen is an outstanding alternative or second choice, because it only falls short of my top ranked option due to having a slightly less concentration of oxygen in each canister. Also comes with the easy applicator top for each size; allowing for getting the full amount product with each use.

Pricing for this product is around the same as for the first choice as well. Like I said, great alternative.

#3 O2 Blast Canned Oxygen

O2 Blast canned oxygen is still a great product, and probably your best bet if you are looking for the lowest cost. However, it fell below the other two due to only the large cans coming with an easy applicator top. The smaller canisters contain a regular spray top that causes some of the product to be wasted.

As I said, in terms of pricing, this is the one you want. Most of the cans cost at least a few dollars less than their counterparts; making it the “poor man’s choice.”



Timothy A Rowland

I’m an every day human Xennial living in the SE United States. I have many interest. For specific topics, check out each of my publications pinned on top post.