How Do You Choose the Right Opportunities

for Your Entrepreneurial Talent

Timothy A Rowland
Click Here Company



This series of articles is designed to help entrepreneurs begin to make serious money with their business ideas by giving them better clarity on the three key aspects of their business; market focus, the executive stroke and strategy.

In this article, we will be looking at the market focus aspect of starting and operating any type of business with this article exclusively focusing on providing new online business opportunities.

The market focus is simply the boldest statement in an entrepreneurial business plan. It is the statement that we intend to act on and focus on to allow us to truly succeed with business. Some of the more common phrases I hear are “I am going to create a website that will sell like crazy” or “my product will solve this or that problem” or “I am going to use social media to get the word out!”

And I must add a few more clarifying statements I feel are important to keep in mind:

You (the entrepreneur) must know exactly what your product or services will solve for potential clients (or audience). How are you going to solve that problem better than anyone else?

You must be able to communicate that problem, concern or need for new or potential clients in your marketing message. How are you going to better deliver your gifts and talents?

You must have exact step of action plans or action steps proving that you are going to deliver on both your marketing message and your plans. If you can’t tell me what your actions steps are and how you are going to accomplish them, then you probably are not operating with the right market focus.

The executive stroke of any online or brick and mortar business is to brand your website. This might sound an easy thing to accomplish, but in all these years where there has been such a significant evolution in business written administrative mistake are still being made.

Photo by Smartworks Coworking on Unsplash

In Closing

We all have access to correct spelling and grammar checkers (yes those existed in the 1980's), bright check lights, software programs that identify correct punctuation and the ability to read type at a glance. But I still cannot count the number of prospective mature entrepreneurs that have received their website spell checked, proofed and changed from the English language to the computers’ native language.

There are all types of misconceptions about small business. That technical person can tell you what a domain name means will not always get you the results you look for. Believe me, I have been there and I am not the only one.

But the most important thing you can do to start your online or on-line business is to determine how to focus on a target market. Oh, you may say you know the 19-year-old child with the green tarp that drives people to her house to buy her cookies, so your target market is drivers. But you could be missing out on someone who loves to sit at the coffee shop in a comfortable chair.

The mind is very powerful and if you keep it in your business, you can grow the business. You need a powerful and focused mind set.

Before you ever spend any time any money for your new online business, look at your own life and how you feel. I think it is fair to say the majority of us will make the same mistakes. If you are to succeed, you MUST be able to be very bold and very headstrong to stay focused on your business plan. All entrepreneurs need core beliefs that guide them throughout their journey. And if you are to stay focused and achieve success, there are times when you may need to silence the inner voice that is telling you to stop and allow un-scripted momentum to take over.

When we speak to someone in the business world, we want to show them our pipeline. When I say pipeline, I am referring to that listing of tactics or marketing routes we need to take in order to move an idea or plan to market to create business. When it comes to an actual market, a real market of potential clients who will pay you for solutions to their problems, you have many routes to take in order to position your business for success.

I believe that focusing on where your target customer spends their attention and showing them the products and/or services we provide on how we can solve their problem will lead to a high quality of customer relationship building. Remember that you are not just in business and you are not just in your own business. You have your own family, your own colleagues, you and your own boss. There also are certainly other people that have built their business and are eager to grow their business positively because they also have a personal motivation and desire to create a great business for themselves.



Timothy A Rowland
Click Here Company

I’m an every day human Xennial living in the SE United States. I have many interest. For specific topics, check out each of my publications pinned on top post.