What Does Lavish Mean?

The Benefits of a Lavish Life

Timothy A Rowland
11 min readMay 11, 2022
Photo by: Timothy A Rowland. Created via Canva.com

What does lavish mean? The word “lavish” is often used to describe someone who lives a luxurious life. A life of luxury is one that is filled with expensive cars, beautiful homes, and top-notch services. While not everyone can afford to live a lavish lifestyle, there are many benefits to doing so. In this article, we will explore what it means to be lavish and why living a lavish life is the best way to live!

When you live a lavish life, you can enjoy the best that money can buy. This means that you will have access to the best cars, homes, and vacations. You will also be able to take advantage of top-notch services that can make your life easier and more enjoyable. In addition, living a lavish life allows you to live a happier and healthier life. Studies have shown that people who spend more money on experiences and quality products are happier than those who don’t.

So what does it mean to be lavish? To us, it means living the best life possible and enjoying everything that money can buy! If you’re looking for a way to improve your lifestyle, we highly recommend checking out the information in the various categories on our site.

Lavish Adjective Definition

Yes, the term, “Lavish” is an adjective. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of “lavish” is…

- giving or producing a lot: such as

- very generous in giving money or gifts: free with money

- using a lot of something: not sparing

In our everyday lives, it is usually used to refer to someone who has money and is not afraid to use it in creating a life of luxury.

Lavish Verb Definition

The verb form of “lavish” is “to lavish something on someone.” This means giving them a lot of something, usually money or gifts. For example, you could say, “She lavished him with gifts for his birthday.”

When we use it as a verb, it is often associated with giving too much of something to either someone else or yourself.

Synonyms of Lavish

Here are some synonyms for the term “Lavish.” They are…

- Extravagant

- Excessive

- Luxurious

- Opulent

- Sumptuous

As you can see, the word “lavish” is often used to describe someone who lives a luxurious life. A life of luxury.

Example of “Lavish” in a Sentence

“Tim sure lives a lavish lifestyle with all of his fancy cars and great big house.”

Examples of Things Often Referred to as Lavish

From top destinations to luxuries we enjoy, here are some examples of things often referred to as being “lavish” in common conversation:

  • Lavish People
  • Lavish Hotels
  • Lavish Resorts
  • Lavish House
  • Lavish Gifts
  • Lavish Room
  • Lavish Meals
  • Lavish Affection
  • …and a whole lot more!
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Lavish Vacations

One of the best things about living a lavish life is that you can afford to take amazing vacations. When you have unlimited resources, the world is your oyster! There are so many amazing places to see and things to do, and with a little planning, you can make sure that your vacation is everything that you’ve ever dreamed of.

Lavish Hotel

Another great perk of living a lavish lifestyle is that you can stay in the most luxurious hotels around the world. From five-star resorts to private villas, there is no shortage of amazing places to stay when you have the money to spend.

If you’re planning a trip and are looking for somewhere luxurious to stay in, be sure to check out our blog post on the top five lavish hotels! We guarantee that you’ll find the perfect place to rest your head after a long day of exploring.

Lavish Cars

Another great benefit of living a lavish life is that you can afford to drive the best cars in the world. Whether you’re looking for a sports car, SUV, or convertible, there are plenty of options available if you’re willing to spend the money. When traveling, you can even find luxury car rentals that allow you to drive any high-end vehicle you want to while away, and then simply return it before you leave your destination.

If you’re interested in learning more about the best cars for those living a lavish lifestyle, be sure to check out our blog post on the “Top 5 Lavish Cars You Can Rent Today!” We guarantee that you’ll find the perfect vehicle for your needs.

Lavish Homes

One of the best things about living a lavish life is that you can afford to live in the most beautiful homes around the world. From mansions to private villas, there are plenty of options available if you have the money to spend. Not only do you get to enjoy stunning architecture and breathtaking views, but you also get all of the amenities and services that come with living in a luxurious home.

If you’re interested in learning more about some of the most lavish homes in the world, be sure to check out our blog post on the “Top Five Lavish Homes You Can Rent Now!” We guarantee that you’ll find the perfect place to call home during your next luxury travel getaway.

So what does it mean to live a lavish life? It means having access to the best that money can buy and enjoying all of the benefits that come with it. If you’re looking for a way to improve your lifestyle, we highly recommend checking out the information in the various categories on our site. Trust us, you won’t regret it!

Lavish Luxury Destinations

One of the best things about living a lavish life is that you can afford to travel to the most luxurious destinations around the world. From stunning beaches to private islands, there are plenty of amazing places to visit if you have the money to spend. So what types of destinations are available for the individual seeking that perfect luxury destination to feed their lavish lifestyle? Well, let’s take a look at some of them now…

Lavish Luxury Spas

One of the best things about luxury travel is that you can enjoy all of the amazing amenities and services that come with it. One of those amenities is having access to the best spas in the world. When you’re staying at a five-star resort, you can expect to find an on-site spa that offers a wide range of treatments designed to help you relax and rejuvenate. If you’re looking for something a little more unique, many private spas around the world offer exclusive treatments that you won’t find anywhere else.

Another great perk of living a lavish lifestyle is that you can afford to visit the best spas around the world. From five-star resorts to private villas, there is no shortage of amazing places to relax and rejuvenate if you have the money to spend. If you’re interested in learning more about some of the best spas in the world, be sure to check out our blog post on the “Top Five Lavish Spas You Can Visit Today!” We guarantee that you’ll find the perfect place to unwind and recharge after a long day of exploring.

Private Island Getaway

If you’re looking for a truly unique and exclusive travel experience, then a private island is definitely something you should consider. When you rent your own private island, you get to enjoy all of the benefits that come with it, including complete privacy and seclusion. Many private islands also come with their own staff, so you can sit back and relax while someone else takes care of all of the cooking, cleaning, and planning.

If you’re interested in learning more about some of the best private islands in the world, be sure to check out our blog post on the “Top Five Lavish Private Islands You Can Visit Today!” We guarantee that you’ll find the perfect place to call home during your next luxury travel getaway.

Lavish Luxury Yachts

One of the best things about living a lavish life is that you can afford to travel in style. When you charter a luxury yacht, you get to enjoy all of the amazing amenities and services that come with it. From private staterooms to onboard chefs, there is no shortage of ways to make your trip truly special.

Tons of places allow you to rent luxury yachts for your next vacation. Many of these yachts, like the private islands, come complete with their own staff, so you can sit back and relax while someone else takes care of all of the cooking, cleaning, planning, and of course… the steering of the yacht.

Lavish Luxury Hotels

If you choose to go a little more traditional, you can always choose from any number of lavish luxury hotels in your destination’s location. Spending a little more money will allow you much more comfort and pampering when at the hotel. When choosing to stay in a luxury hotel rather than a cheaper hotel, you can expect to find better-quality everything. From the food and drink to the furniture and bedding, every little detail will be top-notch and perfect for your needs.

You will find luxury hotels in all of the top countries often sought after by any person longing for a finer life. Five-star hotels can be found in top destinations as well as the little tucked away places that are perfect for getting away from crowds; without sacrificing luxury.

Secluded Beach Resorts

Resorts are like hotels on steroids. So, continuing with the theme of hotels, it is only natural that we mention the amazing beach resorts that are available with luxury in mind. Secluded beach resorts are the perfect place to enjoy some relaxation. These resorts are designed to give you everything you need and want while on vacation.

From private villas to world-class dining, secluded beach resorts have it all. And of course, what would a luxury beach resort be without providing you with your own private beach? When you stay at a secluded beach resort, you can be sure that you’ll have plenty of privacy to enjoy your time in the sun.

Photo by: Timothy A. Rowland. Created via Canva.com

Live a Life of Abundance and Luxury

We believe that everyone deserves to live a life of abundance and luxury. We believe that you should be able to enjoy the finer things in life without having to worry that you are being taken advantage of or simply paying for the illusion of an upscale living, rather than obtaining what you deserve.

You deserve the best in luxury hotels, lavish food, trips to exotic countries, a relaxing and high-class massage, and explore opportunities to have lavished attention on yourself.

Making Luxury a Top Priority

Making luxury a top priority can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. You can start small by making sure you always book the best room available at your chosen destination. Make sure that you are getting what you paid for and what you deserve.

From there, you can move on to bigger and better things. Before long, you will be living the life of your dreams and enjoying all the lavishness that life has to offer. Being away from home can sometimes be daunting or unnerving even when on vacation having fun. Having the best of everything can make it easier and fill you with a sense of wonder, joy, and contentment.

Luxury should be a priority for everyone because it allows you to live your best life. Make sure that you are not sacrificing quality for quantity and always choose the best options available to you. When it comes to luxury, more is not always better. It is always better to have one amazing thing than hundreds of lesser things.

5 Top Countries to Find a Luxury Room in Lavish Hotels

Many different countries offer luxury rooms in lavish hotels. More than you would think can be found in the United States, but outside of the US, you will find awe-inspiring luxury in unforgettable surroundings. Here are 5 of our top picks:

  1. France
  2. Italy
  3. Spain
  4. Greece
  5. England

These countries all offer stunning scenery, amazing food, and plenty of activities to keep you busy during your stay. No matter what type of vacation you are looking for, you are sure to find it in one of these beautiful countries. Of course, there are plenty of other locations that will take your breath away and treat you like royalty, but we’ll save those for another discussion.

When booking your next vacation, be sure to keep lavishness in mind. Choose a destination that will give you the best possible experience and make sure to book the best room available. By doing this, you can be sure that you will have a truly luxurious and wonderful time on your next trip.

Explore Top Countries & Top Destinations

The world is a big place and there are so many different cultures to learn about. Making sure to explore while you are traveling is a great way to see new places, meet new people, and expand your horizons. If you are looking for some amazing places to explore, research destinations that offer luxury tours and such.

These countries offer a lot in terms of culture, history, and natural beauty. If you are looking to immerse yourself in a new culture and learn about different people and customs, these are great places to start. Each of these countries has something unique to offer and you are sure to have an amazing time.

Lavish Spending Doesn’t Equal Luxury

Lavish spending is not the same thing as living a life of luxury. Just because you are spending more money on something, doesn’t mean you are getting a more luxurious lifestyle. Yes, the finer things in life will usually cost more, but be sure that you are choosing the best options for your money.

Amenities to Look For at Luxury Hotels

Granted, it’s not enough that the hotels you choose to stay in have these things, be sure they are upscale and offer the very best. Having said that, here are some amenities to look for when making a reservation for a night or two at your next getaway:

  • Property that is well kept
  • A pool that offers extras such as a bar, restaurant, spa, and more
  • A meal fit for royalty and a location to dine in peace and comfort, maybe even reserve a table
  • Extras appropriate to the season you plan to visit
  • Hotels that are unique in design or theme
  • Locations where guests can converse if so desired.
  • Amenities available at night that suit your needs or habits
  • Allows a rewards program or some type of account that benefits you returning to that chain
  • Property that grants safety and security to you and your guests


As you can see, there are plenty of benefits that come with living a lavish life. From private islands to luxury yachts, there is no shortage of ways to make your life truly special. Use the information in our blog to research on the web and find your next luxury lavish destination. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next luxurious getaway today! Trust us, you won’t regret it!



Timothy A Rowland

I’m an every day human Xennial living in the SE United States. I have many interest. For specific topics, check out each of my publications pinned on top post.